Education and Language Acquisition Department is hosting the 5th Student Showcase event on Thursday, May 27, 2021. You can participate in this event either as a presenter or audience. If you are interested in presenting your work (e.g., a speech presentation in Japanese etc.), please contact Tomonori Nagano at [email protected].
- Title: Education and Language Acquisition Dept. Student Showcase (Spring 2021)
- Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021
- Time: 6:00pm-7:00pm
- Place: Online (Zoom)
- URL: Zoom link: / Zoom meeting ID: 3897079935 / Passcode: 609947
- Description:Though we are still battling and remaining vigilance in our efforts to defeat COVID, we must remind ourselves to be present for one another. We, the ELA Department, are doing our part to create opportunities for fellowship and to build community that celebrates student engagement. We are pleased to invite everyone to the Education and Language Acquisition (ELA) Department’s Spring 2021 Student Showcase!
Please encourage your students to attend and learn more about the ELA department, including courses, majors, 4-year college transfer opportunities, and career opportunities in the following disciplines:
– Linguistics
– Education
– Modern Languages and Literature
– Academic ESL
– Communication Skills
– Deaf Studies
– Education
– International Studies
– Japanese
– Latin American Studies
– Spanish English Translation
– Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)