
For students interested in the Japanese Option (major) at LaGuardia

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Here is the list of steps for students interested in the Japanese Option (major) at LaGuardia Community College.

  1. Take a Japanese class
    Take a Japanese class (probably ELJ101: Elementary Japanese 1 unless you have learned it at high school or by yourself). The Japanese class is a litmus test to see whether your interest in Japanese langauge and culture is just a fad or real passion to guide your future career. The Japanese langauge is not easy, but you should study really hard to receive a decent grade for your first Japanese class.
    See the latest information about the Japaense classes in Spring 2021 here:

  2. Watch the introduction videos by the Japanese Option alumni
    A few alumni from the Japanese Option shared their experience in the Japaense Option. Hear about their experiences and their current careers after the Japanese Opiton.

  3. Watch the introduction videos by the Japanese faculty
    A few Japan Studies faculty introduce their language and culture classes that students can take at LaGuardia Community College.

  4. How we teach classes online during COVID-19
    The following videos show how we teach the Japan-related classes in the distance education (online) mode during COVID-19.

  5. Download and read the Japaense Option one-page introduction sheet
    This one-page document gives you an overview of the Japanese Option and its curriculum requirements. Download and read it before making an appointment with the program director.

  6. Make an appointment with the Program Director and change your major
    Making an appointment with Tomonori Nagano, the program director of the Japan Studies (see his contact information at the bottom of this page). You should also download the the Change of Major form (PDF) in order to change your major.

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