A group of Japanese high school/college students who won a national virtual stock market competition (https://manabow.com/sl/result/23/index.html) are visiting LaGuardia Community College on Friday, March 31, 2023. They are visiting LaGuardia to learn about college life in New York and what college students in New York think about investment (e.g., stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency (Bitcoin etc), home ownership/subletting etc).
The Japanese group consists of about 5-6 high school/college students. They will arrive at LaGuardia at 12:30pm for lunch, followed by campus tour and discussion with LaGuardia students until 3:00pm. We will cover your lunch if you participate in this event. If you are interested, please complete the event registration form at https://bit.ly/lagccEventReg. For inquiries, contact Tomonori Nagano at tnagano@lagcc.cuny.edu / 718-482-5484 / B-234FF.